  Poway Unified School District’s Property Tax Information


Obligation: Community Facilities District No. 13   

Obligation (Short) CFD No. 13
Obligation Type CFD
Established 2006
Type Of Bonds Special Tax Bonds
Authorized 20000000.00
Unused $14,625,000.00
Issued $5,375,000.00
Outstanding $4,710,000.00
Last Coupon Date 9/1/2022
Obligation Status Active
Original Parcels
District Acreage
Property Use Residential
Original Appraisal
Appraisal Type Unknown
How Billed Secured Tax Roll
Escalator The initial Maximum Tax Rate will increase by the greater of the annual percentage change in the Marshall & Swift Western Region Class D Index as of December of the prior year, or 2.00%, commencing July 1, 2008. Each July 1, after the Fiscal Year in which the Assessor's Parcel was first classified as Developed Property, the Maximum Tax Rate will increase by 2.00% per year.
Final Maturity Date 9/1/2042

Special Tax Bonds, Series 2013B5/22/2013$5,375,000.00Refunded
Special Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2022A-13/25/2022$2,130,000.00Sold
Special Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2022A-23/25/2022$1,190,000.00Sold
Special Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2022A-33/25/2022$1,495,000.00Sold